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Why Us

Non-intrusive system


No wires needed! Our wireless Z-Wave technology means no breaking walls or unpleasant visible wires. 


No drilling* as we carefully handpick small, light-weight, battery operated devices that mount with double sided tape.


Retrofit, meaning we don't replace anything! For examples we place our wireless relay behind the light switch and we fit our smart door lock on top of your existing one...etc

cognihomes - Wireless Home Automation - Smart Homes UAE
cognihomes - Wireless Home Automation - Smart Homes UAE

*exceptions are cameras and mounting devices on textured surfaces

Cost effective and takes only a couple of days!


Our solution is pre-tested and pre-configured, so during installation it only takes a couple of days versus the traditional 4-8 weeks.

cognihomes - Wireless Home Automation - Smart Homes UAE
cognihomes - Wireless Home Automation - Smart Homes UAE

Supplier and product independent 


We don't represent any supplier or product, giving us the freedom to choose from thousands of the best products out there.

Technology Experts


We implement the industry's best practices to ensure what we offer is reliable, effective and secure. Our team's deep experience gathered from years working for global industry leaders. 

cognihomes - Wireless Home Automation - Smart Homes UAE
cognihomes - Wireless Home Automation - Smart Homes UAE
cognihomes - Wireless Home Automation - Smart Homes UAE
cognihomes - Wireless Home Automation - Smart Homes UAE
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