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800 COGNI (26464)

Reality manipulated by technology.

Augmented Reality...

Augmented what? Basically to all of us who don’t talk the talk of technology Expos...

AUGMENTED REALITY is a 3D image seen through a smart device. Like when you use your camera, however it’s viewed through a specialised app on your smartphone enhancing your perception of reality with digital manipulation. Too confusing?

An app called QR-Reader, used as a code scanner detects small graphics and give us an Augmented (False, greater in size) concept of the object we are looking at. Your Smartphone will detect the QR barcode, scan and project this for you to intereact with on screen.

Video, sounds, images, 3D can all be projected. Still not sure what we mean?

(See the black and white box on the lower right handside of the image, thats called a QR code. This is scanned by the QRreader app and the cognihomes app will be downloaded onto your Smart device- with your permission, and show you our Augmented reality.. see for yourself on the link below)

Try it out with cognihomes ad published in the CEO magazine Middle East.

View cognihomes augmented reality with 3D packages options, Security systems, Online shopping, Smart videos and support agreements. SmartLife, SmartHome, SmartFuture.

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