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800 COGNI (26464)

Stop Procaffeinting*

*To delay or postpone action; put off doing something till you have had coffee

Struggle to emerge from the duvet before coffee o’clock? Had a long day? Gasping for a cup of Tea, earl grey or green? ‘Oh I wish it was as easy to click my fingers and Voila’... Well now it is that simple (maybe not a click of the fingers, but a swipe!)

For most of us, it’s the first thing we do when we get home from work or play. Like autopilot, drop the bags, straight to the kitchen for a drink. Now you don’t need to do that. With iKettle joining the cognihomes family, now you can enjoy smarter coffee, smarter tea, smarter ...oh whatever... you get the point. Connecting via cognihomes to send alerts when your water is at your prefered perfect temperatue. Not ready yet? Not a problem, keep it warm? Brew to the perfect temperature 65°c, 80°c, 95°c & 100°c.

Fresh bean to cup coffee every time from the touch of your smartphone or tablet. Adjust the strength and taste preferences, even set alarms and auto-schedules wakeup scene/ welcome home, via the cognihomes app.

FACT: Using the Wi-Fi kettle app you will save up to two days a year by pre-boiling your kettle saving you up to five minutes at a time. Life’s short, enjoy the smarter things in life.

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