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800 COGNI (26464)

Home Telepathy

Imagine that...

You left home, 15 minutes later while you are in the car your home sends you a message on your phone "You haven't locked your front door or turned the lights off, would you like me to do that for you?”


You are on your way home and 10 minutes before you arrive your home turns on the AC to your preferred set point, unlocks door, your kettle turns on and your sound system starts playing your favorite playlist.

Tomorrow's technology? Today's technology?

Well, it is tomorrow's technology, today. This is when you mix a smart home, smart phone and google maps.

So how does this work?

Your phone indicates your location, and using google maps, your smart home will know how far or close you are from home (traffic accounted for!). Based on that the system will check your home based on predefined rules and sends you a message with anything that requires your attention.

Tomorrow, today…

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