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800 COGNI (26464)

Lighten up your mood..using your home.

Your mood will affect your day. So why not wake up in a bright mood to keep you happy throughout the day.

Set the MOOD for a thriller with suspense, tension, and excitement. The surround sound is echoing, it’s the most intense bit yet... Heart pounding...

Well now imagine this in the middle of the day in the bright sunshine streaming in?... Not quite the same effect you were looking for.

Our advanced technology can change your lighting to different mode settings for changing scenes in your day wither its Wakeup/ Children’s play/ Movie Time/ Dinner/ Relax/ Sleep.

Children’s play Mood lighting

cognihomes provide mood lighting for every situation. Even if you’re more of a romantic comedy type... (erm who can stand thrillers anyway?)

Light control:

- Control your lights (on/off/dim) throughout your house

- Control floor and side lamps

- Change colours of LED lighting based on mood

Mood lighting can increase the overall mode of a situation. With hundreds of LED colours to choose from and dimmed to your convienience.. With the Touch of a button your home can be transformed for every occasion.

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