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800 COGNI (26464)

Top 5 Benefits of Installing Smart Home Automation in Your Home

1. Convenience

Typically, if you forget to turn off your lights when you leave for work in the morning, you can’t simply go back home. With smart home controls, you can turn on the lights with your smartphone from far away. Also, at night you can shut off the lights, turn on the alarm, and lock the doors all from the comfort of your bed. By integrating all of your home’s features into one simple system, you can get rid of cluttered walls and coffee tables full of switches and remotes. Not only will you enjoy the convenience of having all the control in the palm of your hand, but your home will look fantastic as well.

2. Save Energy

Motorized shades, automated lighting, and remote controls can all make a huge difference when it comes to saving energy. Both your AC and lighting use up the most electricity, so it’s important to make sure it doesn’t get wasted. Motion-sensing lights can detect when a person has left the room and turn off all on their own, and you can also time the lights to shut off at certain times of day as well. Shades save energy by blocking heat from the sun, and also let light in so you can dim the lights inside. With a smart thermostat, the temperature can be adjusted throughout the day to energy-saving degrees.

3. Entertainment

Do you have multiple remotes on your coffee table? Get rid of unsightly clutter by making your home controls wireless. Simply open up an app on a tablet, phone, or touch screen and select your favorite show from multiple sources. If you want to surround yourself with sound, our team can install speakers in every room by hiding them in the walls, or simply setting them on a bookshelf. Smart home automation not only gives you more options for entertainment, but also streamlines the process of selecting content.

4. Security

Surveillance cameras are smarter than ever before. They are motion-activated, have HD picture quality, and can send text message alerts to your phone. Every time a person walks by a camera, it captures the activity and logs it with a date and time. So if the dog gets loose, or a burglar breaks in you’ll know about it immediately and have the evidence to deal with it. With high-tech surveillance solutions, you’ll know what’s going on in your house at all times.

5. Increase the Value of Your Home

According to a 2015 survey done by Better Homes and Gardens, 64 percent of millennials (younger generation) believe that smart technology is a good investment in their home, and more than half of women feel that it makes their home safer and more enjoyable. With the Internet of Things on the rise, more families are interested in upgrading to a smart home—whether it be by building a new house or renovating a current property. If you add smart technology to your new home now, it will be well worth the investment down the road.

Now that you know having a smart home can bring you these amazing benefits, why not get started on an installation today? We’ll work within your budget and tailor all of the systems to your needs and personal preferences.

Contact us now on 800-COGNI (26464)

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